CSCC to collaborate with ACCT to administer the ACCT/CSCC Survey of Community College Trustees!
We are delighted to announce a new partnership with ACCT on the largest survey of community college trustees in over 25 years! Currently, over 300 trustees have responded to the survey, and ACCT will be making a push for broad participation starting in August 2024. The results of this survey will be used to support trustee and community college leaders’ professional development and provide a national perspective on community college trustees. A preview of findings to-date is available here.
About the ACCT/CSCC Survey of
Community College Trustees
CSCC and ACCT have collaborated to co-design this landmark survey of community college trustees and to conduct an in-depth analysis of survey responses. The ACCT/CSCC Survey of Community College Trustees will capture trustees' perspectives about today's most pressing challenges and opportunities, and will allow for comparisons with Vaughan and Weisman's 1997 national surveys of trustees, board chairs, and college presidents, which were published by ACCT in the book Community College Trustees: Leading on Behalf of Their Communities.
The online survey protects your and your college’s anonymity and generally takes between 8-10 minutes to complete. No information can be traced to individual contributors.
Results from the ACCT/CSCC Survey of Community College Trustees will be published and shared with community college trustees, leaders, and scholars beginning in 2025.
Information on Human Subjects Research Approval
The ACCT/CSCC Survey of Community College Trustees consists of 34 questions and may take 8 to 10 minutes of your time. The online survey is distributed by Survey Monkey with security protocols which protect your anonymity. In the case of write-in responses, any identifiable information you might provide (names or college information) would be changed to pseudonyms. The survey also asks if you would like to participate in a follow-up focus group/interview regarding your responses. If you elect to do so, we will ask for a way to contact you. Benefits of your participation include your contribution to community college practitioners and scholars, current and future leaders, and other trustees. The only cost to you is the time you spend on the survey and/or interview. There are no known risks, but with any online survey, there is a slight risk of data being intercepted by a third party from the site (Survey Monkey), but that risk is minimized by Survey Monkey’s extensive security controls. Raw data from the survey will be only available to the research team, all who have undergone Human Subjects Training protocols.
Should you have any questions prior to or during the study, you can contact Dr. Susan Kater at The research has received Human Subjects Research approval by the Idaho State University Institutional Review Board.
Watch for a Survey Link from ACCT!
On behalf of community colleges and students across the country, we extend our sincere appreciation for the time and effort of the trustees who selflessly serve in this vital capacity. ​